I am *loving* these! Here’s how to make more pool floatie cupcake toppers!
See how to make the parrots here.

for the ice cream sandwiches, you’ll need:
- super dark brown and white modeling chocolate
- scalpel (much thinner and sharper than an exacto knife…just be careful!)
- a bit of cardstock
- small ball tool
Cut out a rectangle from the card stock (mine were about 1 1/2” wide and 2 3/4” long) and round the edges. To make this easy and uniform, trace around a circle cutter on each corner. Cut around the template with the scalpel, 2 for each topper you need. For the tops, run around the edges with a paring knife or dresden tool, and make rows of little divots with the ball tool. Roll out the white modeling chocolate a bit thicker, cut it out the same way and assemble your little sandwiches with gum glue.
If you make the ice cream part thicker, these would be so cute just as part of a summertime theme (I’d suggest making them smaller though in that case).

for the toucans, you’ll need:
- modeling chocolate in a dark turquoise or green
- fondant smoother
- small amounts of white, pale blue and yellow fondant or gumpaste
- circle cutters, 1” and 3/8”
- 3/4” x 1 1/4” oval cutter
- tiny white nonpareils
Roll some modeling chocolate into (learn how to make it here) about a 1/2” rope, using the fondant smoother to roll it evenly. Wrap the rope around the cutter, cut the excess at a diagonal and bring the ends together. What I love best about modeling chocolate, and why I chose it for this project is the seams blend completely and easily. You can use the cutter to hold the ring, to lift it up and round off the underside.
Cut off a bit of the rope and round off to make the head; attach and smooth the seam a bit with the shaper. Make a flattish cone shape from yellow fondant and attach to make the beak, tipping it down at the end.
Cut small circles from light blue fondant and attach. Make a divot with the ball tool and roll a bit of black fondant into balls for the eyes. Use tiny nonpareils for highlights (push them in a bit with the ball tool or tweezer so they are flush).
Cut out an oval from the white fondant, and cut a circle as shown with the 1” cutter. Trim the top off as shown…you’re making a little bib.
Attach the bib under his beak, paint the end of his beak orange and the very tip black with food coloring (thin it with lemon extract or vodka).

for the flamingos:
Make the rings as we did with the toucans but with pink, and roll out thinner ropes for the necks. Shape a head and beak and let them sit until they are set, then attach. Cut out little white and black circles for the eyes, and apply tiny nonpareils for highlights. Paint the beaks and wings with colored cocoa butter (I’ll do a post on that soon!)

So super adorable for any pool party! Sadly we’ll be saying goodbye to summer soon, but what a cute send off these would be!
Happy baking!!